For Developers_
In Rimutee you’ll find remote jobs related with software development & technology from one of our communities (Frontend, Backend, Data, Mobile, Middleware/DevOps & QA) to work on projects with international companies (mainly from the US) on a steady full-time basis (most of the time) or part-time/freelance (some exceptions) hired by us (Rimutee OnDemand) or hired directly by our clients (Rimutee Hunting).
If you are hired by us, you’ll get paid in USD as contractor, once per month, and fees will be depending on seniority/skills/project/customer (aprox. fee is always included on the published job or detailed in the initial interview).
Our first approach is to keep holidays from the country of residence of the Rimuteer as PTOs (Paid Time-Offs) (When an exception is required, that is discussed in advance). And regarding travels we expect that Rimuteers have a base point (country of residence) where flexibility to change countries can be granted by some months depending on the impact of Timezones (Exceptions are discussed in advance).
For Companies_
In Rimutee you’ll find Mid & Senior Remote Developers & Tech Leads from our communities (Frontend, Backend, Data, Mobile, Middleware/DevOps & QA) interested in working with international projects using modern tech-stacks.
Rimutee is always contacting & scouting developers for our communities and the vetting process has 2 steps. First an initial verification and interview from our side where we check thing like english, soft-skills, experience, concepts, etc. and second depending on the project/job a set of interviews/tech assesments that are coordinated in conjunction with the client.
First, a meeting with our team to understand the customer context, the project generalities/Dev requirements and the vetting process in place from the client side. After that, Rimutee publish on the platform the project/Job and matches Rimuteers from the platform or outside based an affinity and interests and sends to the client a refined stack of potential candidates. Then, the vetting process from the client side is activated and the chosen Rimuteer is confirmed. Then if the Rimuteer is hired by us the engagement is supported from our side but coordinated from client side. And if the client hires directly we activate the corresponding guarantees.